At Wyton on the Hill Primary, our mission statement is ‘Be the best you can be’, which means that we want to support every child to strive for excellence and develop as a well-rounded learner, who can be confident in participating in and contributing to every aspect of the world around them.
We believe that a commitment to high quality arts provision plays a central role in helping us to achieve this mission, because it delivers equality of opportunity for children:
to develop and express their understanding of the world and what it means to be human;
to respect their own culture and that of others;
to value creativity, innovation and originality (both their own and that of others);
to take risks and develop the personal resilience, independence, emotional intelligence and reflectivity they need to grow as individuals and citizens of the world.
We strive to realise this vision for the arts through:
dedicated arts curriculum time
an extensive whole-school performance and exhibition schedule
regular topic enrichment events (including visiting orchestras, specialist music workshops and theatre performance workshops).
Through Arts Mark, we aim to build on our strengths in discrete curriculum delivery and performance and to develop the perception of the arts and culture amongst the whole school community as being key to the future development of our community, not only as a model for teaching and learning, but also as a means of bringing people together and developing ownership and belonging.
We achieved the Arts Mark Silver Award on May 17th 2019 and are currently working towards achieving Gold.
For further information about Arts Mark accreditation, please visit