The WSCA is a registered charity and the PTA for the school. Its aim is to provide support for the school, its children and the local community through fundraising projects and events. The committee comprises of staff, parents and members from the local community and is very active organising a variety of events for the children as well as parents. Regular discos and bingo nights take place and the group also facilitates the selling of used uniform. If you might be interested in joining the committee or just helping out at the occasional event, please email

School Lottery logo
School Lottery logo

We are taking part in the School Lottery which is open to anyone over the age of 16 and is an excellent way of raising valuable funds our school. To play please click here.

To see a list of the most recent weekly winners click here.

We have several events planned for the coming months. For some events which are open to members of the public, tickets can be purchased using the QR code below.

Chair - Kirstin Simson

Secretary - Samantha Marsden

Treasurer - Jason Tuxworth

Emma Chiocci

Kat Haddock

Kirsty Armstrong

Alex Henderson (co-opted)

Michelle Marshall

Lucie Pammenter (co-opted)

Liz Pugh

Marta Sieniuc

Kay Sole (co-opted)

Diary dates
Diary dates

Our most recent events have made approximately the following totals:

£408 Race Night

£232 Chocolate Bingo

£390 Disco

£212 KS2 Productions

£1600 Summer Fete

The Committee

If you might be interested in helping the WSCA, please contact us on

page title
page title

Fri 14th Mar - Film Night - 6:15-8:15pm

Fri 21st Mar - Bingo - 7-10pm

The WSCA has recently been able to provide the school with £1000 for the purchasing of books, £500 for some new musical instruments and £1000 towards the purchase of the school minibus.

Where does the oney go?
Where does the oney go?

The most recent donations gave over £1000 for some tablets which can be used in the classrooms and £100 to fund a visit from a theatrical company who performed a pantomime. 

Alternatively, click on this link:

Sat 10th May - Race Night - 6:30-9:15pm

Sat 21st Jun - Summer Fete - 12-3pm