The school offers wraparound care for all children from nursery upwards in the form of a Breakfast Club and an After School Club.
Breakfast Club
This runs between 7.40am and 8.40am Monday to Friday (8am start for nursery children)
The club is open to all children and registering is not necessary, they can just turn up on the day and it is located in the main halls which are accessed from the side door near the main entrance at the front of the school.

The cost is £3 per day however if a child attends for all five days in a week, the Friday is free. Parents and carers are asked to ensure that the charge is paid in advance through ParentPay and that arrears do not occur. Childcare vouchers can be used to fund a child's attendance.
The children are given a choice of cereals when they arrive at the club and also toast.

Registering your child
Following breakfast the children have time to participate in a range of activities including games and imaginative play.
Activities at the Club

After School Club
The Club is available for children aged 3 to 11 years and is open all the days the children are in school but not staff training days. It runs from straight after school at 3:15pm until 6:00pm, Monday to Thursday and finishes at 5:30pm on Fridays.
The club's aims are:
To make our club genuinely accessible to all families with children attending Wyton On The Hill Primary School.
To provide an opportunity for children to socialise out of school.
To provide a range of creative, physical and play activities in a comfortable, familiar and safe environment.

Registering your child
Unlike Breakfast Club, all children wishing to attend the club must be registered with the parents/carers agreeing to the terms and conditions. If you would like to register your child, please click here. The School's ASC policy can be seen here.
Parents and carers are asked to book their child(ren) into the club in advance and before the start of each calendar month, The School Business Manager will send out a booking form to those parents whose children regularly attend enabling you to do this. If you wish to be added to this mailing list or you would like your child to be booked in for a one-off session, please email Mr. Tuxworth at or call the office on 01480 572995.

The cost is £10 per day however if a child is collected before 4pm, a discount applies and a fee of £5 will be charged. Parents and carers are asked to ensure that the charge is paid in advance through ParentPay and that arrears do not occur. Childcare vouchers can be used to fund a child's attendance.

For children who are going to be staying until after 4:30pm, an option of ordering a tea is available. The cost of this is £2.50 and it is prepared by the school's catering team. Teas must be ordered at least 24 hours' in advance. Please contact Mr. Tuxworth on the details above if you would like to book a tea for your child.