“Be the Best You Can Be”
Core Values
Our mission is:
For everyone to learn, achieve and be the best they can be.
We achieve this mission by ensuring that everything we do is consistent with the following objectives:
To provide high quality teaching and learning through our broad, balanced and knowledge-rich curriculum.
To encourage and enable every child to develop a good work ethic, effective learning habits and resilience through the use of evidence-informed teaching methods including spaced, retrieval and interleaved practice.
To support pupil, staff and family well-being through our partnerships with Blue Smile and other local mental health and well-being services.
To ensure that parents, carers and families are supported to be active members of the community through the provision of affordable wrap-around care.
To promote a respectful, caring ethos and environment through our work as a Rights Respecting School, in which children can learn how to develop positive relationships, respect for cultural and spiritual diversity and the ability to choose not to bully or discriminate.
To enable all our pupils to develop self-confidence and successfully deal with significant life changes and challenges through our Personal Development Curriculum and targeted Transition programmes.
To encourage and enable our pupils to be physically healthy through our engagement with the School Games Mark.
To provide opportunities through which every child can achieve personal and social enjoyment and enjoy recreation through our extra-curricular clubs and activities programme.

Our vision is:
To grow as a centre of excellence for inclusive, lifelong learning and respectful, global citizenship.
We will grow as a centre of excellence by working towards the following objectives:
To strengthen our community through increased opportunities for shared learning experiences.
To expand our training and development opportunities for future teachers and leaders through our partnership work with agencies including the Local Authority Internship Programme, local universities, local STEM Ambassadors and other organisations including the Prince’s Teaching Institute.
To involve all stakeholders in the reduction of our carbon footprint through accreditation as an Eco-school.
To develop an award-winning standard of provision for pupils with SEND and other needs through our work towards the Inclusion Mark led by our full-time Inclusion leader.
To achieve gold-standard as a Rights Respecting School.
To improve the effectiveness of our digital citizenship education through the Naace ICT Mark and the development of our ‘blended learning’ curriculum offer.
To strengthen our commitment to creativity and the Arts by making the journey from Silver to Gold as an ArtsMark School.
To work in partnership to share best practice with other cluster schools through our HAPP cluster network and Peer Review frameworks.