We are very proud of our pupils at Wyton on the Hill Primary, which is why we strongly encourage them to wear our school uniform.
We believe that it helps them to feel like part of the team, to be ready to learn when they come to school and to develop a sense of pride and an understanding of how important they are as citizens of our school community. However, we recognise that uniform containing logos can be costly and so we do not insist that these are purchased, but we do ask that items containing similar colours are worn, if possible.
Sweatshirts, cardigans, polo shirts (with and without logos) and PE shirts are all available from the school office along with caps, book and PE bags.
Details of our school uniform can be seen below. In addition to the what is shown below, we also ask that children wear grey or dark trousers or skirts and dark shoes.

Navy cardigan
Sky blue polo shirt
PE navy polo shirt
Navy sweatshirt
Ages 4 & 5 - £1.75
Ages 6 - 9 - £2.25
Ages 10-12 - £2.50
Ages 4/5, 5/6 - £1.75
As a school we would request that no jewellery at all is worn in school. Children with pierced ears should wear plain stud earrings, not hoops as these can be hazardous, particularly in the playground. This is in line with the guidance on Health and Safety issued to all schools by the Local Authority. The LA advises that for safety and hygiene reasons, ear studs and other jewellery (whether metal or plastic) must not be worn during sporting activities, PE, swimming, design technology or food technology lessons.
Book bags can be purchased from the school office at a cost of £6 and PE bags, £4. Caps with and without a neck cover cost £5.

Ages 6/7, 7/8, 8/9, 9/10 - £2.25
Ages 10/11, 11/12, 12/13 - £3
With logo (5/6-11/12) - £8.50
(13, XS) - £11.50
Second-hand uniform
The school sells a wide selection of good quaility second-hand uniform. Items containing the school logo cost £1 and all other items are 50p. Rails with many of the available items will be out on show on the playground and available to purchase at the end of school on most Wednesdays.