Hello and welcome to the Governors’ page of the Wyton on the Hill Primary School website.
As governors, we are very proud of our school; our children work very hard and are well behaved, but they are also recognised as being individuals and given plenty of opportunities to have fun. We are also proud of our staff. The teaching staff put a huge number of hours into preparing and delivering lessons while also giving the children the pastoral care and attention they need. Our committed team of Teaching Assistants work in partnership with our SENCO to ensure that all pupils are afforded the best opportunities to develop as learners and citizens, and our support staff always ‘go the extra mile’ to ensure that everything runs smoothly.
What we do as governors
The Governing Body is responsible for the overall performance of the school. Governors have to ensure that the education provided - and the way in which the children, staff and parents are treated - are in accordance with the law and with the various regulations laid down by the authorities.
There are different types of governor:
Parent governors
Staff governors
Co-opted governors
Local Authority governors
Governors are appointed for terms of four years.
We meet twice each term as a full Governing Body (once each half term) and also sit on a sub-committee – Quality of Education and Assessment or Effectiveness of Leadership and Management.
When a vacancy arises all parents are notified via the school’s fortnightly Newsletter and given the opportunity to volunteer. Elections are held if more than one person is interested for each vacancy. We have some very committed families at Wyton on the Hill and this shows – there are always people who are prepared to give their time to join us on the Governing Body.
If you are reading this and live nearby, but are not a parent of one of our pupils, that doesn’t prevent you from being a governor. If you let us know of your interest then we can keep your details and get in touch with you next time a vacancy arises for a co-opted governor. You can leave your contact details in the school office, or speak to one of the governors, and they will pass them on to Chris Lewis (our Chair of Governors), who will get in touch with you.
How to become a Governor
This does not mean we try to interfere with the day-to-day running of the school – our role is that of a ‘critical friend’. We scrutinise reports on how English, Maths, Science and other subjects are being taught and how this is reflected in the children’s attainment and progress. We ensure that every subject is taught according to the guidelines set out by the Department for Education; we monitor the school budget to ensure ‘best value for money; and we come in to observe teaching and learning in action at least twice a year. We are, however, neither teachers nor school inspectors and do not try to behave as such.
Are you interested in applying to be a governor? If so, please download the application form.
Summaries of the most recent full governor meetings can be seen by clicking on the links.
Governing Body Documents
Terms of Reference:
Schools Financial Value Standard Self-Evaluation Form
