New Starters - Pre-School
This page contains links to information which will hopefully be useful as your child is about to join our nursery class. If you can't find any information you're looking for, please contact the school office using or by calling 01480 572995.
Special Dietary Request Form - this only needs completing if your child has specific dietary requirements and needs returning to the school office upon completion.
Application form - this is to be completed only after you've been in touch with the School to discuss places. Please email the School Business Manager to explain when you require a place for your child and to find what is available.
Pre-School Information Booklet - this explains a little about our pre-school and how it operates.
Parent Carer Declaration - this form needs completing and returning and the information will be used by the school to claim the funding for your child. If a paper copy is required, please contact the school. Information explaining the declaration can be found here.
Disability Access Funding - if you think your child might qualify for disability access funding, please complete and return this form to the school.